Browse Services

Culture & Parks

Enjoy Beautiful Safe Parks and Trails.
Be Delighted by Art in Public Places. 

Headline 1: Parks and Recreation is HIRING! See job opportunities and apply online: Jobs Dashboard page.

Headline 2: Strong swimmers needed for lifeguard jobs - we will train those selected.
Apply online: Jobs Dashboard page.

Headline 3: Due to ongoing construction at Back to Nature Wildlife Refuge, Eagles Roost is CLOSED until further notice. Due to construction of the observation pier, Crosby Island Marsh Preserve is CLOSED until further notice.

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  • Parks and Recreation is HIRING! See job opportunities and apply online: Jobs Dashboard page.
  • Strong swimmers needed for lifeguard jobs - we will train those selected.
    Apply online: Jobs Dashboard page.
  • Due to ongoing construction at Back to Nature Wildlife Refuge, Eagles Roost is CLOSED until further notice. Due to construction of the observation pier, Crosby Island Marsh Preserve is CLOSED until further notice.


Arts & Culture
(Overseeing Orange County’s support of Arts & Culture...)

Advisory Council
(Meeting calendar, agendas and minutes...)
(Art in the Chambers and Sculpture on the Lawn...)

(Resources and applications...)
Public Art
(Opportunities and Public Art Search...)

Arts & Culture Calendar
(Search hundreds of events and organizations...)


All Parks
(Browse Orange County & City parks...)

Adopt-a-Park Program
(Adopt a Park Program information, Application, Registration and Release Form...)

Athletics For Adults
(Exercise classes, Sports, Dance...)

Athletics For Youth
(Basketball, Soccer, Baseball and more...)

Camping & Environmental Education
(Camping reservations online & Environmental programs...)

Dog Parks
(Get waggin' at these locations...)

Natural Lands
(For recreation and preservation...)

(Outdoor recreation and wild spaces...)

Parks Events on County Calendar
(Stay informed, special events, and more!...)

Parks FAQ
(From meeting rooms to picnics...)

Parks Jobs / Employment
(We’re hiring!)

Parks Rentals & Fees
(Orlando Magic Gyms offer sports & fitness...)

Parks' Signature Events
(Cool things to do...)

Parks Volunteers
(Enjoyable ways to give back to your community...)

Recreation Centers & Fitness Memberships
(Affordable memberships & fitness...)

Splash & Swim Playgrounds
(Swim, splash, or take a class for fun...)

Senior Recreation
(Socialize, exercise, or take a class for fun...)


Things To Do At Parks
(Camping, Swimming, Hiking...)

(Get going with miles of biking & hiking...)